Naughty Girl, original drawing on paper, mixed media, by Tang Hai Guo
Kids do it. Babies do it. And, some older, naughty girls do it too. Driving around the countryside, in her car, she feels her bladder is about to burst. So, under the blue skies with puffy white clouds, she makes a little stream of her own, through the fields. Besides, there's no one around to see.
It is amazing how many kids will come up behind you in a park or other grassy area and take a pee. Parents pull down the pants of babies to let them pee in the gutter, in the streets of the metropolises. It is but one of many remnants of an agrarian society being swiftly displaced to metropolitan life.
The fishnet stockings are perfect, too, and many a Chinese girl thinks that her newly acquired but cheaply made fishnet stockings will make her look sexy. The backless, thick-mid-high heel is a standard, in China, today.
We also enjoy Tang's choice of a more voluptuous figure as his subject. One of the sculptor's whose work we have in the gallery, Xu Hong Fei, also likes to focus on voluptuous women. Perhaps, classical beauty is coming into modern Chinese art.